Donna Monks

Donna Monks - School Social Worker

I am entering my sixth year as a School Social Worker with Ponoka Elementary School, and this will be my 20th year with WCPS. I am honored and blessed to be able to work with the students, parents and staff of PES. Working with children is my passion and they continue to surprise me with their resiliency and desire to please and grow. 

I live in Ponoka, but I grew up in Newfoundland and I enjoy going home every summer to spend time with my parents. The most important thing to me is spending time with my two adult sons and their families. I have four wonderful grandchildren that light up my life everyday.

I look forward to this new year of learning, growing and making new memories.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou